Ilona Berlyant, MBA, CCHT

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Reiki Practitioner

Discover the Magic Within


Inner Transformation


three pupas
three pupas
Describe what client experiences in hypnotherapy like caterpillar's transformation
Describe what client experiences in hypnotherapy like caterpillar's transformation

Access the Altered State of Consciousness

Within the cocoon of hypnosis, like the caterpillar you will enter a safe and relaxed mental space, gently shedding conscious barriers to explore your subconscious, addressing past traumas and emotional struggles.

orange and black butterfly on flowers
orange and black butterfly on flowers

Experience Healing and Inner Transformation

As the caterpillar metamorphoses into a butterfly, you will emerge from hypnotherapy emotionally liberated, having gained new perspectives, coping mechanisms, and a sense of empowerment. This guided introspective journey is one of self-discovery and growth.

a person's hand with a butterfly on it
a person's hand with a butterfly on it

As you delve into your inner wisdom through hypnotherapy, your will realize your intrinsic value and will genuinely and with compassion embrace self-love. The transformative process of hypnotherapy becomes a nurturing and empowering journey, creating a pathway towards a life filled with greater joy and fulfillment, firmly grounded in a deep and profound appreciation for oneself.

Find Joy and Self-Love

At SoulSage Hypnotherapy, our purpose is to empower and guide our clients on a transformative path of self-discovery, facilitating deep healing, and nurturing the development of self-love. Through specialized hypnotherapy practices, we are committed to helping individuals tap into their inner power, unlock their potential, and embrace a life filled with self-compassion and authenticity. We strive to create a safe and supportive environment, empowering each client to embark on a journey of personal growth and inner transformation, leading to lasting positive change and a profound sense of self-love.

Our Purpose

sun light passing through green leafed tree
sun light passing through green leafed tree
